Wholesalers / Retailers

Enjoy your free subscription during our soft launchđź‘Ś

  • Thank you for giving us the opportunity to present your offers through our platform. Each performed Query/Search is based on a single Shopper request to query an OEM Part Details & Price. We only simulate the actions of the shopper who would have to visit the sites to get the information. No robots are used to query mass information and we have no intention of overloading your Web Site(s). We use a parsing technology through a professional service provider.

  • All purchases are done on your own Web Site(s) and according to your terms and conditions. We do not capture nor store any of your customers information. We complement your online selling strategy through your web site and platform provider with an additional direct sales channel aiming at providing you with global reach for your products & offerings. If you wish to be Added or Removed from the free “soft launch” setup & subscription, please Contact Us by email at info@CarPartPrice.com from an email address associated with your Web Site domain with "Add or Remove" in the subject.

  • This is a very small step towards an experience like shopping for accommodation and air travel through meta search engines. The optimal set-up would include a direct real-time REST API Query to your up-to-date information through your Web Site platform provider. Please Contact Us if you support accessing your parts' information via an API Query for a faster response.

  • We only capture web addresses of your Logo and Parts' Images. A Logo with dark foreground font, or with dark background will best fit our color palette. Please Contact Us with your preferred Logo URL. Apologies for any inconvenience or misinterpretation.

  • The deployment version of the platform will be faster by contracting additional Virtual Search Workers per query. Thus, instead of two Virtual Search Workers parsing sites for the searched Part #, we will have mutiple Virtual Search Workers parsing the sites concurrently.

  • We will offer a Free Subscriptions for Providers that have an Affilate (Cost Per Click or Cost Per Acquisition) Program and REST API access. Providers that Opt Out of the REST API access and have or don’t have an Affiliate Program, will be offered a 30 Days Subscription, a discounted 90 Days Subscription, and additional discount for Sites selling parts for multiple Car Makes.